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 Rewind: Same day, Time 12.00 PM

"Send Basu and Kanta to Pancham's house. Throw out all his belongings, his furniture, break the TV. Tell him one week" Seth ordered in a matter of fact fashion to his henchman.

"Opa Gagnam style…." his mobile rings and the henchman standing behind Sethji does the cowboy dance to the music until Sethji notices and reprimands him. Sethji answers and responds to the voice at the other end. Presently we hear only Seth's side of the conversation.

"Hello Bossji," "No Problem, how much?... 3 CR?"


"Ok, no problem. Chandra will bring it to you at around 5 PM. But you must keep your end of the deal. The stuff should be ready to deliver. Barter system ji, same day, same time."

"ha.ha.hah..Ok Bye"

Seth turns to his henchman and enquires,"Komal money is in dispatch right? What time is it due for arrival?"

"3 PM" replied the henchman in chorus

"Ok, change of place, drop it in Chandra's bin at 4 PM"

"Yes, Sethji" they reply in utter subservience

Seth moves on to make a call to Chandrashekhar, his most efficient collection and delivery agent till date. He was going to find it difficult to find a replacement for him from tomorrow.

"Hello Chandra"

"Hello Sethji" responds the voice on the other end.

"Chandra, I need one last help, I will wire the commission over to Muscat"

Chandra was hesitant but he was getting a new lease of life in Muscat and Sethji had been kind to let him go.

He had been living a double life till now, for his wife and kids he was Chandrashekhar, the Investment

Planner, but in reality he was a major collection and delivery agent in the city's ring of illegal money laundering. His boss loved him because he was precise in delivery and collection, and didn't ask unnecessary questions.

"Ok Sethji, when and where?" asked Chandra

"The trash will be in the bin at 4 PM. Drop it off at Residency Hotel in exchange for 400g, Suite 10A at 5 PM. Remember no transfer until you they close their end of the deal.

This one is a tricky bastard" warned Seth

"Alright, Sethji" said Chandra and hung up the phone

It was already 12.20 PM. He now had to come up with an excuse for the last minute job.

"Shailaja, I am going to the office. One small work left" said Chandra

"Now, remember flight is at 1 AM. Don't be late" she reminded him

"I will be back by 6 PM. Don't worry. If taxi is here before me, leave. I will come straight to airport. Take the new cell phone with you." instructed Chandra.

4 PM, Chandra collected the trash from his bin, it was located at the usual delivery location in a residential colony a few kms away from home.

At 5 PM, he had reached the hotel and was shown into Suite 10 A.

Boss was presently speaking with someone on the mobile, he seemed tense, "It will be done before the Matador batting begins, please bhai, don't forget about the seat in June" Boss broke into a sweat, something was up. However his face lit up as soon as he saw Chandra.

"Is the cash ready?" asked Boss

"Yes, and the Bhang?" asked Chandra

"Small problem Chandra, custom issues, will take another three to four hours. I will tell Seth myself," reassured Boss

"No, I will speak to Sethji" replied Chandra as he dials Sethji

Boss's guards begin to pull out their guns.

No, not here, signalled Boss.

He was desperate for the money but he did not want any funny business happening in the hotel premises. He had too much at stake.

"Ha, Sethji, bhang another four hours, what should I do?" asked Chandra

"Deal cancelled" said Seth and hung up.

"Deal is off" said Chandra in his typical deadpan tone, as he puts his mobile back into his shirt pocket.

"C'mon Chandra, we have been in the business for too long" Boss tried to reason

"I will give you an extra commission, more than what Sethji is paying you. I need that money Chandra"

Chandra hated the idea that just because he was in this business his loyalties could be bought.

He fumed up and marched out with the money bag as he yelled out to the Boss," "Boss, this deal is off the table."

Chandra knew he had to get out of the hotel soon. He needed to mislead them. He took the lift to the 5th floor and then took the stairs to the lobby.

He felt there were eyes watching him, his every move, the Boss had moles everywhere. He sneaked into the rest room, locked it, stood on the closet and broke open a ceiling tile, crawled into the vent, and moved along it looking for an outlet. He found an opening into the basement car parking. He broke open the vent and jumped into the car parking. He heard footsteps in the direction and knew he had to hide soon.

Car theft had been his initial zone of specialization so getting into the boot of a car overriding the safety mechanisms was not a big deal for him. He had a five second window within which he would have to find the inline fuse under the dash and switch it off. Even if he triggered the alarm, he would be able to reset it before anyone noticed its menacing sound.

He had become a bit rusty as the BMWs alarm was briefly triggered before he reset it, opened the trunk and got in. However, Chandra had not been ready for what came up next, his entire life he had been extremely allergic to strong odours and this car seemed to be drenched with some sort of perfume. He was finding it difficult to stay conscious as his wheezing kicked off making it difficult for him to breathe. He fumbled around in his pocket for his inhaler, he finally found it but it was already too late, he could barely take two puffs before he was knocked out.

Time: 5:30 PM


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