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Time 4.20 PM

Aaaargh…..My skirt looked nothing short of ridiculous. There was no way in hell I was going to Lena’s birthday party wearing that piece of an eyesore. I should have known better than to let Amma go shopping for me. It was bad enough that I had the nerd tag, and now when I had finally succeeded in getting myself invited to a party, I was going to stick out like a sore thumb thanks to this fashion faux pas.

And This was Not going to be just any party. Yep, it wasn’t every day one got to attend a party thrown by the likes of Lena. Who was Lena, you ask? Lena was the heartthrob of Emperor School – it was as clichéd as it could get, she was the whole package, intelligent, hot, and filthy rich. Guys clambered after her like bees to a honeypot. She, however, seemed to act aloof and maybe even completely oblivious to all that attention coming her way. Lena, of course, had her own little coterie of girls like her, typically from a super-upper-class family, whose dads made more money in a day than ours would in ten years, whose moms wore a Ritu Kumar or a Wendell Roddicks to bed, and whose idea of a lunch hour at school was touching up their make-up and consuming zero-calorie diet cokes. 

It wasn't as if that Lena wasn’t cordial but people like me figured as the commoner in her eyes and though she acknowledged one's presence with a slight smile or nod, and occasionally borrowed your notes, she wasn’t exactly warming up to the idea of considering my likes her BFFs. Yet I got invited!!!! Alright..., the entire class had been invited, so she really wasn’t being selective in this instance.

So, coming back to my skirt, it was this fluorescent yellow which would look absolutely garish against anything, let alone my peach top. I would look like the female equivalent of Govinda in the late eighties, and that wasn’t a good thing even then. There was of course no arguing with Amma, now that she had bought it, she was not returning it and I definitely had to wear it, or its goodbye to all privileges for the next few months, plus I would be subjected to the torturous speech on a daily basis about not having respect/appreciation for my parents - it was almost as if I had abandoned them by opting to wear something of my choice.

Lena’s parties, as per the grapevine, were nothing short of a fashion gala, and I potentially would be signing my death warrant without a backup plan, not that people paid me a lot of attention otherwise, but here there was fodder for years of mockery and trolling. 

I did not play by the conventional rules of dressing up generally, this was not a sartorial choice, I was limited by my circumstances. My wardrobe had been defined by my mother, according to whom there were only a few colors that suited me, the length of my skirt would determine my character and last but not the least - only a few pairs are enough since parties are just a waste of time and money, I needed to focus on my grades instead. Coming down to specifics, I was this tall lanky kid with a big nerdy spectacle, and a long unruly mane tied into a messy pony on most days. I never wore makeup and was extremely comfortable in my loose baggy uniform. Most of my fellow nerds were like me, quite stereotypical one might say.

On the other hand, the “chics” got their uniforms tailored to perfectly showcase their size zero bods, their socks all rolled down, their hair tied up in tight little ponies, their forehead adorned by cute bangs... a dash of lipstick, and a bit of blush to highlight their face. I mean I saw myself drawn to their beauty as well, in a purely non-romantic way of course, not that there is anything wrong with it.

We, the socially awkward gals, watched as all the cute Rohit’s and Raj’s followed them hither and thither, begged for their numbers and we sighed, wishing only a half-charming guy showed some interest in us as well. 
Any little uninitiated attention we managed to get thrown our way was an occasional plea to let them take a sneak peek at our answer sheets amidst an exam, or their unbridled enthusiasm to partner with us in the lab so that we would singlehandedly complete the group assignment, and last but not least, the silent boos thrown our way as the teachers called out our perfect grades. 

I wasn’t much of the party-going type, (mostly because I never got invited). With all the time divided between tuition and tennis classes, there wasn’t really scope for a social life. However, this was one party I wasn’t willing to miss at any cost. Firstly, Priya, my best friend and also benchmate, was desperate to go too since this would be the biggest party before our farewell. 

Secondly (ok this is the PRIMARY reason, Priya comes second), there was Yash…..aahh yes Yash…. the new student in my class.

It’s not like I have not had crushes before but Yash was different (I say this every time). Our meet-cute moment was like a romantic albeit cheesy movie scene playing out. The teacher had just announced a surprise test and I was instructed to get the answering sheets from the staff room. Since there was a power outage, all the fans were out and so I found no harm in placing the sheets on the teacher’s desk without bothering to place so much as a duster on top of them. As I turned to return to my seat, the power suddenly was back on and all the fans went into full swing. The papers were now flying about and I was chasing them while my fellow classmates (and teacher) chose to stay put and have a good laugh instead. It was quite the spectacle. And just then, amidst the flying papers, appeared Yash, and my world came to a standstill….I found myself in an alternate movie universe - a cutscene from Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge - instead of leaves flying about there were papers, and Yash wasn’t exactly doing the Shahrukh’s open arms gesture, still his wonderful eyes made up for that and that smile..oh that gentle curving of his lips that could stop a million heartbeats made me want to run to him like Simran ran to Raj amidst the corn fields in Punjab…

Back in reality verse, I was standing dumbstruck, until a paper jammed against my face knocking me out of my fantasy. While the rest of the class broke out into thunderous laughter once again, Yash, the gentleman he turned out to be, thankfully did not mock or laugh, he instead helped me gather the papers before he went and sat down next to bloody Rahul.

So you see, Yash would be there too, and though we have spoken a few times, it had been mostly about catching up with the first-term lessons. Whenever the conversation would start to get even a tad interesting, he would be whisked away by bloody Rahul and “too much of gel on your hair” Paul. The popular girls too had gone gaga over him, tables had turned, the chic gang of Miara, Lena and Rima and blahs were now clamouring for a guy’s attention. Needless to say some of them had even started paying attention in class so that they could clear any doubts Yash may or may not have. Yash, however, really did not need the help, he was technically a nerd but wouldn’t be categorized as one simply because of his drop-dead handsomeness and his chilled-out demeanour, and from the looks of it, he certainly fell in the rich kid bracket.

The pleasantly surprising part was that he at least didn’t seem all that interested in Lena and co, which was a shocker. That of course did not in any way imply he was up for my grabs, how was someone like me even going to upstage someone like Lena (self-confidence isn't exactly my strong suit). Maybe Yash played for the other team or perhaps he already had a girlfriend, I presumed each time it felt like he wouldn’t even give any girl the time of the day. I preferred the first option, it would definitely be less heartbreaking.

So, I thought it was a night that would not be totally wasted, I could at least keep staring at him secretly from afar (how sad was I). Maybe he would come over and speak to me about the trigonometry problem  we had trouble solving in class the other day (ya because thats what people did at parties, pathetic levels of wishful thinking). I had of course solved the problem in five minutes but pretended to brainstorm it with him in class so I could get that little “me” time with him. But to my dismay, Lena sprung upon us with the party invite. She spoke precisely three and a half words to me, "Here's your invite." while to Yash she seemed to have a whole lot to say about the party.

Presently, I gazed at myself in the mirror anticipating the worst for the evening ahead and gasped.

 “Aren’t, you ready Meera?” hollered Amma from outside the door, “Priya is here!!!” 

Great!! OCD girl was here, right on the clock as she promised (rather warned) after her piano classes she attended in the institute in the vicinity. Priya couldn’t handle even a nanosecond of tardiness, it’s as if her whole life would have depended on that nanosecond lost – something to do with chaos theory and the avalanche effect. I still hadn’t started getting ready yet, and I had no real choice but to wear the yellow skirt. I decided to take along a black skirt in my bag. I have been wearing the same black skirt to eight out of ten occasions for the last two years. But it was better than that eyesore of a skirt any day. I decided to wear the new one just to deceive Amma, I could change into the black one at a restroom back at the hotel. I quickly got about getting dressed, took out the daily disposable eye lenses I bought to forego my nerdy spectacles for this special occasion, and put in a bit of kajal, a dash of lipstick and grabbed my bag, and rushed out lest Priya had a mental breakdown from all the waiting. 

“Wow, nice flashy skirt”, she remarked glibly. “Yeah, yeah save it”, I said drowning out Priya’s harmless chides. 

“Ok, you girls have fun,” wished Amma. “Make sure you give me a call once you reach Priya’s place after the party,” she reminded. The plan was to hang around at the party till 11 PM and return to Priya’s place tonight. Then tomorrow we would go to school from her house and be back as usual at my place in the evening.

“Ooh! This is so exciting,” shrieked Priya as we got into the autorickshaw. “Imagine our first teen party, guys, mocktails, dancing shancing, awesomeee….”

….and Yash, I thought to myself. No one was really aware of my crush on him, not even Priya. I mean she is definitely my good friend but she can be a bit of a daily bugle and before one knew, probably the walls of the toilets too would have the secret graffitied on it. 

“Where to?” asked the auto driver. In all our excitement, we had forgotten to even tell the chap our destination. 

“The Residency Hotel” 

The Residency Hotel was one of the premiere seven-star hotels in the city and none of us would have even dreamt of setting foot in the hotel. The hotel had one of the most popular pubs in town, it was strictly invite-only, generally limited to the celebrity kinds - movie stars, media big shots, DJs and of course progeny of the power-wielding politicos. The rooftop had a party and dance floor which is where Lena was having her event tonight. There would be DJ Samir helping us get the swerve on, the flamenco and flame dancers to enthrall us, and even a laser show. This party was going to be a big deal, well to us. Lena and her sorts must have been invited to or hosted hundreds of such parties.

After a good 30 minutes, Priya and I arrived at the Residency. Priya was already getting into an argument with the auto driver over the fare. One knew Priya meant business when she begins to claim connections with people from the judiciary, the police force and began to drop names. The most commonly quoted name was that of one Inspector Pandey, it seemed like she still had not relapsed from Dabaang 2. 

All the threats seemed to be falling on deaf ears as the auto driver remained unfazed, either he had lived through a similar exercise before or he too “knew” people. Presently, I had to intervene lest the doormen at the hotel decided we were too pedestrian to enter the hotel, they were already giving us weird looks, and so I gave the man the extra ten rupees over which the argument seemed to be going on for ever and asked him to push off.

“What are you doing Meera? This is daylight robbery,” cried Priya

“Well, if you haven’t noticed, any more time wasted on arguing with him would have ensured that we got kicked out of the hotel premises. I really don’t want to miss out on this party and neither do you. Now why don’t you just take a chill pill and think about all the fun we are going to have tonight” I reminded her. 

At the lobby, we showed our invites and were directed to the elevators. The elevators did not go directly to the rooftop. They went till the tenth floor from where we would have to find the Penta Plaza Room. 

The Penta Plaza was a bar cum restaurant with another set of lifts and stairs that led to the rooftop pub. 

As we alighted on the tenth floor, it suddenly occurred to me that I had to change into my black skirt.

“Wait, I gotta change out of this stupid skirt, let’s find the restroom.” 

It would have been easier to ask for directions but Priya for some strange reason felt it’s highly low IQ for smart kids like us to not be able to find something as basic as a restroom in a hotel. So we walked to the end of the corridor in the direction opposite the Penta Plaza in search of the restroom. Penta Plaza would have had its own rest room but it ran the risk of someone seeing me in the yellow skirt. As we were loitering about in the corridor in search of a restroom, an eerie-looking man with long unkempt hair caught our attention. He was stepping out of one of the suites as he hollered out to someone inside, “Boss, this deal is off the table!!!!” 

As we walked past him, we were too afraid to even peek into the room, we feared of getting entrapped into something dangerous, maybe they were Russian mafia involved in human trafficking and we had no Liam Neesons at home to find us, at best we could hope for a Missing Ad in the local newspaper. We picked up our pace and moved quickly past the room. We however had not come across a single restroom, we did chance upon the utility room which seemed to be vacant and wide open. 

“C’mon, let’s head back and ask someone for directions Priya. There certainly seems to be none in this wing.” I said

We turned around to walk back towards the Penta Plaza when I caught a glimpse of Yash and some of my other classmates coming out of the elevator. The last thing I wanted was Yash to see me in this skirt. I quickly got into the utility room, pulling Priya in with me and closed the door. 

“What, what’s going on, what happened?” screeched Priya.

“Our classmates happened! I can’t let them see me in this stupid skirt!” I exclaimed.

“Quick!  Grab my black skirt from my bag while I wriggle out of this” I said in a hurry

Once I had pulled the black skirt to my waist, I asked Priya to help me zip it up from behind. As she was zipping it up, her bangs got entwined in the zip. 

“Ouch ouch ouch!,” she cried out in pain “Meera! Help me, my hair is stuck.”

As we flubbed around trying to set her hair free, I dropped a few of the cleaning supplies while Priya bumped into the mops and the ladder. We prayed that the huge ruckus in the room wouldn’t alert people in the adjacent rooms.

“Ok, ok, calm down, slowly pull down the zip and you can then gently pull it out,” I told Priya

“Ok ok, done.. done and done. Finally! I feel better, I thought my forehead was gonna rip. That’s one tricky zipper,” she said in relief.

"Man! It’s stuffy inside here, I think there are no vents. I am breaking into a sweat already,” gasped Priya

“It must be the adrenaline rush from all the zipping action ,” I joked

“No, I am pretty sure it’s the heat. Wait a minute, I think I found the A/C thermostat, see, see, it was switched off,” Priya switched it on and set the temperature really low and the room quickly started to cool down.

“Oh!! that feels good” she said as the cool hair hit her face.

“Hmmm…”  we hummed together

I pulled out my lipstick from my bag and seeing me fiddle with it in the absence of a mirror, Priya offered to help

“Wow, that lipstick is a great colour Meera. Your lips look amazing.” she complimented

“Yeah...are you trying to seduce me, Priya, 'cuz I aint looking for anything serious now” I joked as I tried to pout like Angelina Jolie

“Oh Yes, Meera, I am, I love you, I love you, you sexy thang,” she jibed and we broke into a giggle. 

“Ok, lets save some nonsense for the party, let’s go, we are getting late,” I reminded Priya. She nodded and we got our stuff back into the bag and started to leave. 

“Wow, this is the first time I have been in a utility closet,” I said, as if it was some sort of lame epiphany. “Me too,” said Priya as she opened the door and stepped out. 

She suddenly was rendered immobile, what in the world was happening, was the eerie guy back. As I stepped out my world too came to a standstill. A small mob had built up outside the room, not just any mob, a mob formed by my classmates. They glared at us, some smirking, some speaking in huddled whispers, but the general mood was as if we had done something wrong, we just did not know what exactly. And then the whispers became louder, perhaps for our benefit, “..making out…did you hear them…I always knew it…Lebanese (wow, confusing us with an entire country and its people, because you can’t figure out a simple word !!)”

Well, it wasn’t rocket science, to them we had literally “come out of the closet”

“Oh..No.. that , inside, we……my skirt….” I was running out of words trying to explain what had transpired, this was embarrassing. Someone must have heard the ruckus and all the Ahs and Hmms and the unintentionally misleading conversation.

Alas, standing amidst the crowd a bit further behind was none other than Yash. He seemed to be very amused. I felt as if I had been hit by a ton of bricks.

Lena stood right in front of the group with her hands folded, she didn’t look too pleased, she came forward moving away from the crowd and whispered to us carefully in a highly conniving but guarded tone, 

“There is no way I am going to let you cheapskates steal my thunder today. If anyone is the star, it’s me, get it, so I am going to act like this generous girl who welcomes all sorts of people into her party and I am going to leave a good impression on everyone, especially Yash, so wrap up your act and come upstairs. I will give you enough room for your romance there.”

Wow! This was really a twist, Lena really had an agenda here. It was Yash (but why tell us that). Her ego hadn’t obviously taken his cold behaviour too well. She had been faking the niceties all along. What a pretentious grinch! And Yash…that was a lost cause, I now didn’t even stand a one-in-a-million chance with him, the odds were all against me with Lena being determined to win him over and me allegedly turning out to be too gay for him.

“Whoa!! Who the hell does she think she is?”  Priya hissed, as the group began to disperse.

“A rich privileged bitch,” I retorted 

‘You know what we should do” said Priya rhetorically

“Yeah, go back home and maybe leave the country” I said in utter dejection, also realising the irony since I did not even own a passport.

“No dumbo, go up there and have the time of our lives” said Priya

“Yes, I think we already did, according to them” I replied in self deprecating sarcasm

“Oh, c’mon, dumbo, we don’t need to prove anything to anyone. So let them think we are lesbians. We can have some fun at their expense. Make the girls uneasy with our attention, meanwhile hang out with the guys, who will definitely have their guards down. "EUREKA” said Priya in utter excitement. Somewhere Archimedes was twisting in his grave for the ridiculous context in which his hallmark expression had just been used.

But Priya was right, we could just have fun and not give a damn at all. Well, look at the bright side, at least for once we were getting some real attention, not the way I would have preferred, but nevertheless.

So we went onto the rooftop hand in hand, quite overdramatic one might say, as we strolled with carefree abandon onto the dance floor. While most stared at us as if we were extraterrestrials, some of the guys seemed to have a newfound respect for us. Maybe it was a sense of camaraderie for the guys since we were supposedly trying to hit on the same gender. Most girls felt uncomfortable by a mere pat on their shoulders from us, yes say what you want, some still needed to open up their minds. Priya took it a step forward by casually flirting with a few shy ones while I stifled my laughter. I had to warn her on more than once occasion to not take it too far, after all they weren’t party to our charade and this would border on harassment. From afar I could see Yash stare at us (or hopefully just me), maybe wondering why we were so desperate to shack it up in a utility closet.

Oh, well, that’s that. 

I decided to let my guard down as well and have some fun. I went over to the side where most of the guys were gathered because the fruit punch there had some “extra” punch. It was my first time but I thought what the heck and gulped a couple down. It wasn’t half bad and it got better as I had more, I now felt a sense of utter freedom, and before I knew it I was chatting up the guys. Guys were trying to share notes on girls with me. Bloody Rahul came over too and asked me if I had played the moves with other girls before. “Oh many”, I said, “though Priya is the best I must say. She’s the real deal.”

“Who else? Any one from our class?” he asked in child like excitement, oops sorry, I mean perv like excitement.

“Well I can’t say,” I said with a wink, I knew Rahul and Miara had a mutual yet undeclared on and off thing going on, and presently seeing the evil glare Miara was throwing towards me, I thought it would be fun and a slight retribution to suggest her name. 

“Miara, really! Oh man” he exclaimed in disappointment. 

“Well, she ain’t great, just Ok, so you have nothing to be disappointed there. Not naturally endowed you see” I said as if trying to reassure him it wasn’t much of a loss.

Technically I wasn’t really lying, which of course I would clear up if and when interrogated ever. I was having fun by being truly vague about the situation with the help of misguiding jargon, just speaking about moves and endowments. It could have been anything, I was speaking about tennis, I would say if ever charged with misguided insinuations.

I had lost count of the number of shots I had gulped down, but I definitely started to feel a bit woozy and moved away from the guys to get some air. Perhaps finding me alone, Yash came over. 

“You know, you could have picked a better place or say occasion” he quipped

“Oh that, come on, you think..” I began to explain but then gave up in frustration since I really didn’t seem to have any energy left in me, “well, what should I say, I guess the stars were in alignment, so we wanted to make the best of it,” I quipped back in an evidently sarcastic tone.

Lena must have noticed Yash hovering near me, for suddenly there was a loud announcement echoing across the floor from her, and one couldn’t miss the exasperation and derision in her tone, 

“Since tonight has been a night of a lot of eye opening truths and surprises or shocks as some might say, let’s make this a little more fun by playing an age old and traditional game of Truth or Dare.”

Great, I thought, how original and lame. Soon the entire class huddled around a bonfire on the rooftop, and the game began. Needless to say everyone had a drink in their hands. I smelt a conspiracy from afar and was waiting for the predictable twist to strike any moment now. There were an initial couple of rounds of stupid silly girly truths on “the teacher you had a crush on”, “your naughty dream”, “the first time you watched a porn movie”, a couple of dares to hit on a waiter, “make a prank call to the Principal”, before it finally happened, the bottle was pointed at me and on the other end was Lena. She had this wicked smile on her face, she wanted me to dare, and you know what, I was going to give it to her. I was too drunk at this point to even care.

“Truth or Dare” she asked. 

“Dare” I snapped back

“So guys, what should we dare her to do” she asked aloud

 And the entire class except for a select few like Yash, Priya and my fellow nerds, unanimously demanded for “Kiss, Kiss, Kiss”

They were presently chanting the stupid word over and over again. Yes this was the predictable well planned twist Lena had engineered.

“Cool!”, and there was a big round of applause, and then I added, “But Whom?”

“You know, your girl, oh by the way we “are” clicking pictures” said Lena with an evil grin.

Fine, I thought, I gathered my wits (whatever remained of it), the alcohol was making the decision pretty easy I must say, and I got up and moved towards Priya. She was shaking her head signalling me not to do it. I smiled and then as I moved closer to Priya, as expected, Lena and her gang came over to cheer me.

Miara had her camera ready to click. Priya stood up reluctantly and gave me the go ahead, my poor little best friend. I went closer and closer and then just as I was only a few inches away, I turned around and planted a kiss on Lena’s lips. 

I could hear whistling and hooting in the background while her gang shrieked.

Lena pushed me away and started screaming something while Priya and I were laughing our asses off. 

“You are my girl, Lena, a small thank you gift for the invite” I declared, choking with laughter. 

“Why you bitch?” screamed Lena

“Hey watch it foul mouth” snapped Priya at her, fists all clenched and ready for a fight.

“Out both of you” screamed Lena who had now gone so red in her face, I thought her head was going to explode.

“Hey c’mon,” said Yash, “It was all in good fun, it isn’t fair to throw them out when it’s you who abused them in the first place.”

“Hey I throw out whomever I feel like. My party, my rules. You behave disrespectfully with me, you go out” Lena yelled

“So you are telling me, anyone who behaves disrespectfully gets thrown out” asked Yash

“Yes” reiterated Lena

“Ok then” said Yash and then to my pleasant surprise, he threw his drink on Lena’s dress.

Lena shrieked but was quick to recover and followed suit but she missed and it fell on Neeta.

It was like a chain reaction. Before we knew it everyone was dousing the other in cocktails.

After a good 15 minutes, Priya, Yash, bloody Rahul and I were thrown out of the party. Rahul begged to be taken back in but Lena wouldn’t hear of it as he had apparently laughed when Yash threw the drink at Lena.

Out in the lobby, Rahul was losing his nerve. “Oh c’mon. This is all because of you dumbos, and Yash why the damn chivalry dude” said an obviously angry and disappointed Rahul

“We are out with the lesbo nerdies while the hot girls are inside” he added further as if his whole world had come crashing down just because he got kicked out of a stupid party.

“Hey cut the crap Rahul, these are my friends and if you would like to stay my friend I expect you to show them some respect” warned Yash.

Rahul continued to bicker while Priya and I tried to get a grasp of ourselves. The alcohol was taking its toll on me already. 

“So what’s the plan now, Priya?” I asked as I clutched onto my head.

“Well, we were supposed to go back home in Neeta’s car, so we can probably wait it out in the lobby till the party is over” suggested Priya.

“No way, I want to go home. I don’t think I am feeling that well” I said

“Here drink this water,” said Yash as he handed me a bottle he got from the restaurant.

“Rahul and I will drop you back” said Yash.

“No way man. I am going nowhere with them” said Rahul

“C’mon Rahul, be a gentleman, they are not fit to go by themselves. We need to show some responsibility towards our classmates. They had do it for us if we were in trouble” said Yash. No way, I thought to myself, if bloody Rahul was drowning, I had probably stand on his head to make sure he went down quicker. But presently, Priya and I tried to bear the expression of saintly Gandhians, who were ready to turn the other cheek to our enemy.

I did however truly feel grateful to Yash. He not only looked the part but also behaved like a knight in shining armour.

“Alright, this is the last time I am listening to you Yash” said Rahul finally giving in.

We waited for the valet to bring around Rahul’s car. 

Priya and I got into the backseat while Yash sat next to Rahul.

“Oh man!! What’s that smell? Did you bathe this car in perfume?” asked Priya

“Oh that’s his dad's fault. He broke the air freshener bottle as he was trying to fix it into the car’s ac vent” answered Yash

“I think I am getting a splitting headache” I said as I began to feel worse and the perfume smell was adding to my woes.

“I am pretty sure it’s not the perfume, but your heavy drinking” said Rahul

“Oh c’mon I had like seven shots” I retaliated against his accusation

“Make that fourteen, remember I was standing right next to you while you spoke at length about your escapades with Miara” said Rahul

“What about her escapades with Miara?” asked Yash in curiosity.

“Will tell you later dude, not today, not today” said an exasperated Rahul.

“Just leave the windows open for ten minutes, it will get better” said Priya

“Yeah, let’s do that” agreed Yash lowering the windows and everyone followed suit.

“Where to?” asked Rahul as he drove out of the hotel driveway.

“Kailashnagar” replied Priya

“Oh man, that’s like two hours drive at this hour” yelled Rahul

“That’s ok, I will give you a short cut” said Priya

“You can take the exit 2 at the port signal” suggested Priya

“You mean drive through the jungle?” asked Rahul

“It’s not a jungle, just a heavily vegetated area with not many houses. Besides it’s a small stretch, will save you 30 minutes though” corrected Priya

“Yeah, we call that a jungle around here” remarked Rahul sarcastically

“Oh guys can you stop arguing and get on the way” I yelled, I desperately needed to crash. 

Slowly I began to feel woozy and gradually dozed off. I was woken up by a sharp sound, followed by a whole lot of cursing. We seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, there were no street lights, just a lot of trees around that I could make out in the moonlight.

“F..k F..k F..k, are you happy now, this is what happens when you take the car through a freakin’ jungle” yelled Rahul

“Well, maybe if it’s a jungle, you may want to keep your voice down, lest, let me see, what kind of wild animals are found here, right, lest a rat attacks you” retorted Priya

“What, what happened?” I asked as I regained further sense of my surroundings

“We have got a flat” said Yash.

“Ok, so don’t you have a spare?” I asked

“Yeah, I DO… By the way Yash, I truly hate girls, man do they really know how to screw up your lives” squibbled Rahul as he got out of the car

“C’mon Rahul, don’t be so dramatic, it’s just a flat, we can get the spare in within ten minutes” said Yash

“If your majesties would be kind enough to step out, I could try fitting in the flat” said Rahul acerbically to us

As we got out, Priya marched towards Rahul and I almost thought she was going to punch Rahul for all the swearing and jibes. She instead offered to help with the spare. I had totally forgotten that she was a compete grease monkey.

As Yash and Rahul opened up the boot to get the spare and jacky out, all of us froze. There was someone inside the trunk and he/she was not moving.

“Get the flashlight from the dash” whispered Rahul to Priya.

Priya rushed back with the torch and as Yash flashed it on the person in the boot, Priya and I screamed out together, “Oh my God, we know him!”

It was the same eerie guy we had run into in the corridor at the hotel.

Time: 8 PM


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