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  Rewind: Same day, 8:00 AM Brijraj Patel was a stickler for routines, especially the one related to his money - counting his money before he went to bed and the first thing in the morning.  His wife called him a miser, as did his children. He had assets above 200 crores, yet he hated what  he termed as  "unnecessary" expenditure of any kind. In fact he had several sleepless nights after his son requested for a BMW for his 16th birthday and went on a hunger strike until he caved.  Kids today were such spendthrifts, thought Brijraj. To this day, he kept his father’ safe with him, perpetually stocked with ten to twenty lakhs since he believed the safe brought him luck.  He also had his special secret storage unit under his bed where he kept close to 5 crores, a small part of his unaccounted money. Unlike other parents he did not have huge aspirations for his children's individual success, he had it all planned, his daughter he would marry off to a rich ...


  Rewind: Same day, Time 12.00 PM "Send Basu and Kanta to Pancham's house. Throw out all his belongings, his furniture, break the TV. Tell him one week" Seth ordered in a matter of fact fashion to his henchman. "Opa Gagnam style…." his mobile rings and the henchman standing behind Sethji does the cowboy dance to the music until Sethji notices and reprimands him. Sethji answers and responds to the voice at the other end. Presently we hear only Seth's side of the conversation. "Hello Bossji," "No Problem, how much?... 3 CR?" "Hmmm" "Ok, no problem. Chandra will bring it to you at around 5 PM. But you must keep your end of the deal. The stuff should be ready to deliver. Barter system ji, same day, same time." "ha.ha.hah..Ok Bye" Seth turns to his henchman and enquires,"Komal money is in dispatch right? What time is it due for arrival?" "3 PM...